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    Thisday Live是什么网站?thisdaylive怎么样?<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"Thisday是尼日利亚全国性的报纸,1995年1月22日开始正式发行,很快便发展成为尼日利亚发行量最大的报刊之一。从发行的第一年开始,Thisday连续三年获得&ldquo;年度报刊&rdquo;奖项。<br /THISDAY is published by THISDAY Newspapers Limited. It hit newsstands on January 22, 1995 and quickly carved out a niche for itself in business and political reporting and for breaking big news stories. It soon became Nigeria&#39;s newspaper of record.<br /In its first years of publication, THISDAY won the Newspaper of the Year Award for three consecutive years. In 1997 THISDAY also became the first Nigerian newspaper to introduce full colour printing. It now has printing plants in Lagos, Abuja and in the Niger Delta.</p

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